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Writer's pictureMichael Tanas

PNG Squash team up for NZ-Oceania Juniors Championship

Updated: Apr 29

PNG Squash team of five juniors from the Port Moresby Rackets Club (POMRC), along with three other athletes that based in Brisbane, will represent Papua New Guinea in the New Zealand Oceania Juniors Championship in Tauranga, New Zealand from December 5th to 7th, 2023.

The three joining them from Brisbane Airport on Saturday, December 2nd are Daisy Hill, Timonaliz Alarcos Kriebisch (aged 11) who is the current girls’ under 13 Champion of the Queensland Tour, and Ethan Kriebisch (aged 10).

Among the athletes are duo debutants, Bowen Parua (aged 18) and Talitta Fabila (aged 17), along with Andre Awui (age 15), Denzel Romanong (aged 10) and River-Jordan Hakena (aged 10). These are all based in Port Moresby.

The team will represent Papua New Guinea Squash Rackets Federation (PNGSRF) against other teams across Oceania Region, such as Australia, New Zealand (host), New Caledonia, Solomon Islands, to name a few.

Upon commenting on the POM based squads, POMRC President, Tim Kriebisch, said that these juniors have worked their way up, proving to be the best in the local tournaments.

“They play day-to-day against each other and there is no one in this country better than these ones,” said Mr. Kriebisch.

With intense training in the past months, they are prepared to showcase their best performances in the tournament. They will be competing in their respective divisions of U13, U15, U17, and U19.

President Kriebisch also said that this competition was part of the junior development brought-up over the past 7 years.

“I think Port Moresby and PNG are sort of a good base to start the sport, but now we are reaching the end where they (the juniors) have to go overseas for the competition.”

Additionally, Kriebisch said bringing them abroad is very costly and complicated, but he appreciated Moni Plus for helping as one of their sponsors.

Mr. Kriebisch wished the team well and told them to have fun and compete with their best performances against their opponents.

“If you lose, lose with respect and take it as an advantage and work hard to see what happens in the near future,” he stated.

The team is accompanied by coach Amity Alarcos, assistant coach Kayden Canty, and team manager, Merlyn Alarcos Kreibisch.

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