The Australian Football League Papua New Guinea (AFLPNG) National Talent Academy kicked off its first of its 5 sessions of AFL umpire online series last Monday, 24th of April. This is targeted to train and guide all community competition and academic umpires with mentorship provisioned by AFL Queensland Umpires (AFL QLD). The online sessions will last for one and a half hours starting at 5- 6:30pm.
The first session was successful and had 20 participants, however the number is expected to grow in the other sessions to come.
Vice President for AFLPNG, Matthew Pula stated that the program upgraded their umpire rules
standards "This is an excellent program for upgrading our umpiring skills. Down there (Australia) the rules have changed, while we (PNG) still follow them."
All Participants will receive certificates of participation from the AFL PNG, he added.
The AFL QLD Umpire program also stated that they have confidence that the professionalism and
depth of umpiring at the elite level of AFL games depends on essential numbers of enthusiastic and talented umpires who are working their way through the ranks to push for selection at the elite level.
They believe umpires who can umpire at all levels of community football are also necessary to
support community football.
The other sessions will continue on May 8th, May 22nd, June 6th, and close on June 18th as
Photo credit: AFL PNG