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Name: Jeperth TULAPI
Age: 22
Home Province: Shouthern Highlands
Occupation: Student at IEA College TAFE
Sport Played: Netball
Current Netball Club: Mermaids Netball
Position played: Goal Shooter & Goal Defender  
Years of playing netball: 9 years
Achievements: 2016- Super League Singapore Nations Cup (Most Valuable Player, MVP)
2017- Contract for Singapore Super League
2018- World Cup Qualifiers
(selected Oceania player)
2018- Brisbane State League Competition

Aim: "Giving back to the community by involving in the sports program."
Other Sports played: Basketball
Role Model: Lua Rikis (PNG Pepes former captain)
Hobbies: Community awareness and  involvement
Favourite dish: Mumu Kaukau

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