Sports Tok Magazine is a true PNG Sports magazine with 100%
local content of PNG citizens. The magazine was formulated with themain objectives to promote sports in PNG with a unique
in content and presentation. As sports in PNG is used mainly to
minimize social problems and resource development for better PNG, the magazine is and will certainly complement all sporting initiatives, and contributes to the growing interest of sports in PNG.
Sports Tok Magazine is and will be delivering sports news and even coverage with total quality in print materials, and tailored editorial to the sports bodies, sponsors and general public

Name: Jeperth TULAPI
Age: 22
Home Province: Shouthern Highlands
Occupation: Student at IEA College TAFE
Sport Played: Netball
Current Netball Club: Mermaids Netball
Position played: Goal Shooter & Goal Defender
Years of playing netball: 9 years
Achievements: 2016- Super League Singapore Nations Cup (Most Valuable Player, MVP)
2017- Contract for Singapore Super League
2018- World Cup Qualifiers
(selected Oceania player)
2018- Brisbane State League Competition
Aim: "Giving back to the community by involving in the sports program."
Other Sports played: Basketball
Role Model: Lua Rikis (PNG Pepes former captain)
Hobbies: Community awareness and involvement
Favourite dish: Mumu Kaukau